Sunday, April 27, 2008

Mythologist Now

Old time Religion vs Arising Archetypes

"There is a great insight which our culture is deliberately designed to suppress, distort, and ignore: that Nature is a minded entity; that Nature is not simply the random flight of atoms through electromagnetic fields; that Nature is not the empty, de-spiritualized lumpen matter that we inherit from modern physics. But it is instead a kind of intelligence, a kind of mind."
Terence McKenna

For the most part old time religions are pyramid schemes with creative energy coming down from the top, through various levels of chums and associates, to greater and greater masses of humans spreading out at the bottom in all directions. They, the God(s) & Co., are out there, in paradise, heaven or whatever Valhalla can be told and sold to the Plebes. Father knows best just as god does; or so it is said. The ‘big daddy god’ being a favorite archetype to cast everybody else into a supportive role and requiring cohorts of priests and administrators to keep everyone fully employed.

Other models have been developed such as the Bodisatava, who works the mean streets of karma, as inspired by an abstract Buddhist cosmology of floating universal ideals. It has a Noir’ feel to its black and white take on cause and effect being a ONE that death does not part. Then there is the Occidental Magus version such as Merlin. A privileged, shaman type, magician who has esoteric skills and powers beyond the norm and manipulates the elemental and spiritual nature of things. This is a very popular imprint in the western imagination, despite its doomed story line of always being tied into and or contesting dark forces within the narrative. Think Dr Faustus or Darth Vader. Subtext: self-enlightment comes at a price too dear to pay.

In this regard Archetypes tend to split between the good, the bad and the too ugly to endure. This narrative effect has been boosted by the development of the all time prize winning projection devices found in film, television and newer forms of immersive multi media. Enhancing our hardwired psycho – social disposition to “project “ feeling and emotions onto “others” the media has trumped organic consciousness in all areas of human interaction from politics to entertainment with the same few stories being told endlessly.

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