Sunday, April 27, 2008

InSide / OutSide

“As above so below. As within so without”
Hermes Trismegistus

What if it is true, as IT seems to be, that the balance point, we know of as our own consciousness, reflects an ongoing mirroring of our perception, projection, dream and desire.

What if we accept the observed facts of a macro-universe “beyond” and a micro-cosmos “within” as only two of many vectors weaving our individual and shared continuum's of experience.

What if we

"live and breathe and take our being"

each moment,

within and without

an energetic continuum of extreme balance and beauty.

Ordinary human consciousness is so overwhelmed by its perceptions of an outer world of physical manifestations, people, places and things that we filter IT and typically loose awareness, skill and even respect of our own inner worlds.

In human culture this usually results in the projection of an absolute god / goddess or ‘holi-whatever’ - “out there” - "somewhere", - "beyond this world", mediated and represented by an elite group that traditionally focuses authority in one “special” human at its apex.


the above premises being true,

(“As above so below. As within so without”)

The sacred Demiurge must take ITS BEING and live equally within us. Experienced as the subjective visionary experiences we call mystic, transpersonal, psychedelic and divine.


mystics of all stripes and seasons have clearly pointed within

as the obvious gateway to esoteric being and becoming.

Equally it is said that while the things of this world do not last and shall all return to dust, a transpersonal world, of mystic experience, as a divine expression, is eternal.


A place we come from to which we return.

Reality is a hallucinated reality we deal within as time and space,

a context for information

that we then return to …

… within the where-ever we come from …


Think of your life as like a trip to the movies. A subjective, adventure / romance / comedy, experienced with a nearly complete, “suspension of disbelief” ; such that it becomes supposed to be an objective “reality”.

Meanwhile a metaphysical ‘actual factual reality’ ,
outside of this privately constructed social / collective theater,


Dream~time / Real~time



Fueled by Ego,

Driven by Eros

In a scandalous school for all us saints
and our un-forgiving scoundrels.

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