Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Irrational Faculty

"Business as usual is no longer an option. There is no middle way. There is no Ozzie and Harriet third millenium scenario. The choices are either a hideous, nightmarish world, a Soylent Green kind of world. A world where people of privilege defend that privilege with tremendous establishments of armament and propaganda and the rest of the world slips into poverty, starvation, desparation and death. This is the kind of world that rationalists fear, and it's also the only kind of world they can imagine because they are bankrupt of inspiration and ideas. So the entire effort of the Establishment has become one of holding down panic, keeping the ball in play, keeping ordinary people and ordinary populations quiescent through drugs which are not psychedelic, through forms of media which are not transcendental and inspiring, but which are narcoleptic and deadening. This is the fiction that we live in. This is why our situation feels so schizophrenic. Of course … the contradictions are heightened almost to the point of nausea because what is under discussion is what manner of fine-tuning shall be applied to the social machinery in order to make it possible to hold together the illusion of business as usual - and the answer is there is no such fine tuning, it's all finished. Instead, what is needed is a radical openness to new ideas of all sorts."
Terence McKenna

The Vedas, sacred writings over 5,000 yrs old of the aboriginal Hindi, divide perceived world time into four epochs, called Yugas, which are of great duration and specific character. Ages whose form correspond to that of human life and development: the gold of innocence, the silver promise of youth, the iron age of adulthood and the lead of old age and dissolution. The fourth age, named for the black goddess Kali, is the one we occupy today; perhaps it has always been so, or just seems so to those who live to think thus. Regardless, one important characteristic of the Kali Yuga is that everything and everyone becomes reversed. The bad succeed while the good get trampled and trashed. Vice becomes ideal and virtue is scorned. Hubris rules and tolerance is suspect. Leaders win the popular vote and loose the elections. Trash is worth gold while elements like water become market based commodities.

Does this sound familiar?

“Look around you, what do you see?”

If this is so, then what?

Go with the flow and reverse your logic.

Join the club by starting your own.

The IrRational Faculty may be just the thing for you.

Find yourself hard to define or just not fitting into any of the boxes

Go IrRational


never too late to redeem your experience,
cash up your mojo
or make a correction in your consciousness portfolio.

“Take off your shoes and learn to play the flute”

because truly

“… we are all Bozos on this bus”

unless we find an exit and get off.

Welcome To The IRRATIONAL Faculty.

“When the times get weird the weird turn pro …”
Hunter S Thompson

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