Monday, May 12, 2008

Big Al has departed...

Albert Hofmann died last week at the age of one hundred and two.

Albert Hofmann in 1993
(January 11, 1906 – April 29, 2008)

He is the other “big Al” of the twentieth century; along with Albert Einstein.

Albert Einstein in 1905
(March 14, 1879 – April 18, 1955)

Both Al’s changed our perceptions of the world in almost accidental, middle class, Swiss precision. Albert Einstein, at the opening to the century, and Albert Hofmann, at its mid-point, during WW II. Both of them made IT look easy and natural to look beyond the surface of "things" and find new meanings.

Einstein revealed the “relativity” of mass and light in 1905, leading to the creation of previously un-dreamed of energy and power by the end of the same, above mentioned, world war. He proved theoretically that matter and light were “variations on a theme” with light actually being a “thing” - a “photon” - a packet of energy interacting with other forces such as mass/gravity.

This insight also gave a shock to “Time”, which lost its straight arrow “thing-ness” to became a mutable "point Of view" (POV). We can observe our energetic past now with the Hubble Telescope; looking back, deep into IT, to within minutes of the so called “big bang” . Producing digital images of that “primal light” at the beginning of Time/ Now. Einstein’s “thought experiment” becomes our contextual conundrum.

The “bending of light”
observed in this 1919 eclipse image
helped to prove Einstein’s
“Special Theory of Relativity”

Albert Hofmann, (while looking for a natural synthesis of a fungus ergot, in investigating possible medicines to assist with post partum bleeding in mothers) accidentally absorbed a tiny amount of LSD25 on a fingertip and effectively proceeded to demonstrate the “special relativity” of our human consciousness. That day, April 16, 1943, has become known as “bicycle day”, in the mythology of LSD, in an ironic twist on things/ events not being “business as usual” while experiencing the "glamour" of this novel molecule.

At first, LSD was appreciated as a medicine, that was tested and embraced by serious scientific and psychoanalytic communities, both in Europe and America. Popular exposure lead to indiscriminate use and abuse by the public, the US military and the CIA coinciding with dominant political and social agendas to demonize LSD. Official doctrine collided with “word on the street” about what was also being experienced as an opening to “the doors of perception” and a modern version of mystical experience; a holy grail.

Indeed, it was Albert Hofmann’s thesis that "a properly conduced LSD experience" was comparable to a “soma” type of induced ‘vision quest’, known as the ‘Eleusinian Mysteries’; sacred rites conducted in Greece for over two thousand years and a foundation experience of western civilization.

“…at Eleusis, the mystical vision, the healing, comforting experience, could be arranged in the prescribed place at the appointed time, for all of the multitudes who were initiated into the holy Mysteries. This could be accounted for by the fact that a hallucinogenic drug came into use; this, as already mentioned, is something that religious scholars believe. The characteristic property of hallucinogens, to suspend the boundaries between the experiencing self and the outer world in an ecstatic, emotional experience, makes it possible with their help, and after suitable internal and external preparation, as it was accomplished in a perfect way at Eleusis, to evoke a mystical experience according to plan, so to speak.”
Albert Hofmann
My Problem Child, LSD

This ancient, yet revolutionary notion of there being “sacred initiatory substance” is both a promise and a threat to the “progressive” and “reactive” segments of human consciousness. The ancient clash of world views between Dionysian freedom vs. Apollonian control “needs” experienced by both ends of the consciousness string. These classical antagonists reactively engage in a tug of war; rather than, the making of interesting loops and knots, created by the inter woven perceptions of both an informed and relativistic point of view. There are many examples of the contrary mode of perception to be found in synthesis and union. ITS language is art. How else did certain ancestors imagine those “Celtic knots” and “Persian rugs” that we marvel at yet today; than by reconciling the "inner" worlds of intuition and imagination with the "outer" experience of "Right Here/ Right Now" in order to enter the “gates of heaven”.

Dr Hofmann discusses this point in his memoir, My Problem Child, LSD Experience and Reality

"...Today a type of "meta-medicine," "meta-psychology," and "meta-psychiatry” is beginning to call upon the metaphysical element in people, which manifests itself as an experience of a deeper, duality-surmounting reality, and to make this element a basic healing principle in therapeutic practice. In addition, it is most significant that not only medicine but also wider circles of our society consider the overcoming of the dualistic, cleft world view to be a prerequisite and basis for the recovery and spiritual renewal of occidental civilization and culture. This renewal could lead to the renunciation of the materialistic philosophy of life and the development of a new reality consciousness. As a path to the perception of a deeper, comprehensive reality, in which also sheltered, meditation, in its different forms, occupies a prominent place today. The essential difference between meditation and prayer in the usual sense, which is based upon the duality of creator/ creation, is that meditation aspires to the abolishment of the I-you-barrier by a fusing of object and subject, of sender and receiver, of objective reality and self. Objective reality, the world view produced by the spirit of scientific inquiry, is the myth of our time.
Albert Hofmann
LSD, My Problem Child

"St Albert"
by Alex Grey

There is a profound and essential instinct in humanity that both “knows" and is also "known" by energies and forces outside our normal experience. IT is known by observation. We see them by their effects. Wind in the sail. The “attractiveness” of our planet to an apple as it falls from a tree. We Know IT when we see it. Or, like with a current, when we feel it.

People have always sought information and knowledge of the ‘un-seen” forces; from a "time" outside of any known human recall. It is a basis of all culture, religion, government and science. This is a form of direct knowing, through experiential means, by observation and psychological/ intuitive methods of discovery. IT IS how Albert Einstein came up with E=MC2

It is the art of shamanism, or for want of a better word today, ‘Neo-Shamanism', to continue these investigations at the edges of reality. As technology and consciousness push beyond all known boundaries at an ever accelerating rate of change a “meta-medicine” to aid in the effort of moving beyond the materialist dilemma is precisely what Dr Hofmann discovered.

IT IS for us to learn how to make use of the gift.

Today, in 2008, LSD is getting a second look, with new scientific medical studies planned to be under taken soon in America and Europe. IT IS also still assisting in traditional “lower world” investigations by adventurous healers and contemporary shamans. While LSD is not required or useful to everyone, or even recommended to anyone, this shamanic “power tool”, is an important and promising “skillful means” in exploring consciousness enhancement and expanded metaphysical understanding. To not investigate ITS potentials would be a generational "failure of nerve" and serious mis-understanding of the human need for consciousness growth and development to take place in "showing the way" by ecstatic means.

As the Greeks taught in the Eleusinian Mysteries:

Know Thy Self

Do No Thing to Excess

Do as Thou Wishes

Blessings to you on your continued journey Albert Hofmann.

... and as Douglas Adams would say, “thanks for all the fish …” mate.

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